Day 7 20/8/2019

Rhine Gorge and Rudesheim

Today we woke up to a ship cruising down the Rhine gorge with some magnificent castles either side of the river for approx 70 Klms.  

We did not arrive in Rüdesheim until after lunch so we stayed on the upper deck until we arrived so we could take in the amazing scenery. 

For morning tea we were served Rüdesheim Coffee which is famous here, apparently it is delicious it consists of, Brandy, honey, chocolate,cinnamon ,a little bit of coffee and a lot of cream. It was made famous in the 1800’s because woman were not allowed to drink coffee so this is what they were offered.

After lunch we went on a mini train to Siegfried musical. Instruments museum where there was an enormous amount of antique mechanical musical instruments. Following this we rode the Gondola up to the top  Neiderwald Denkmal to get a panoramic view of old Rüdesheim and the shimmering Rhine.

All  Aboard the ship by 4.00pm don’t be late the captain waits for nobody 🤣 

Cruising now to Miltenberg through 11 locks overnight.