Day 13 Passau/Linz 26th August 2019.

Today we woke up in Passau

Our excursion today is to Salzburg so we are going from Germany to Austria because we are finishing our tour in Linz where the ship will sail to during the day.

Salzburg was the birthplace of Mozart whose house is preserved as a museum. In ghe hears after WW11 Salzburg developed into one of Austrias leading trade centres.

The world famous film Sound  of Music was made in Salzburg. About 700AD the  Benedictine Abbey and the Nonnberg Nunnery were founded by St Rupert.  The abbey is famous for the site of the Sound of Music scenes. 

We were given free time to look around the city and get lunch take a look at the dessert we could have ordered but happy to say we didn’t.

 We were shown around the city and enjoyed many of the sites purchased some of the famous Mozart chocolate balls , then we were driven by bus through the country side to the church where the wedding took place in the sound of music movie. The hills are definitely alive with the sound of music today 🤣🤣🤣.

Back on the bus for the 1 1/2 hour trip to the ship .  To the town of Linz, which is the third largest city in Austria , it is just 30 km from the Czech border. The population is 200,000. Hitler was born here and went to school here. 

Tonight we sail to Melk.